Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I watched the Grammies last night. Of course, there was a 12 hour delay, so I already knew most of the winners. Starved for interesting TV as I am, it was good enough. And it wasn't even that interesting.

They were broadcast on Channel V, which is an Asian network in the Murdoch empire. Obviously they're also into the music business, too, because every commercial break had at least 2 commercials for the new Norah Jones album. Sometimes three. And I swear that I am not exaggerating when I say every commercial break. That one 20 second commercial is still haunting me. Must...make...it...stop...

I have been out of the popular music loop for years now, so Outkast was new to me. It seems like a fun gang of people. But what the fuck is up with the White Stripes? Are there really just two people, and is that really how they sound? I absolutely don't get it. If that's their gimmick, they need a new one.

The coolest person of the night had to be Samuel L. Jackson. I don't know if this made it past the censors, but he yelled something about "his superfuckingfriends," in one of his long introductions. I always appreciate cursing on live TV. Tits are ok, but not Janet Jackson's. That whole family is sooo finished.


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