Friday, March 28, 2003

A clarification:
J.R. didn't make me drink the beer. I drank
the beer so I could manage being in a room
with an Englishman, an Irishman, and a
German, playing classic rock.

Also, typing when you're drunk is a lot like
reading when you're drunk. Bad idea.

And finally, a brief complaint:

You may not know this, but babies make
excellent shields. Perhaps the Iraqis will
try this, but I am, sadly, referring to the
Taiwanese people who drive recklessly on
their scooters while toting their kids around
on the front, or back, with no helmets.

It's almost like they're thinking, "I can run this
red light. You won't hit me. I've got a baby. So
fuck off and slow down."

Fortunately, of all the accident sites I've driven by
(which average about 3 a week), I've never seen
injured kids. I have seen an old lady out cold in the
middle of an intersection, though. Apparently being
old doesn't confer any special "look out for me"


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