Sunday, December 07, 2003

Taiwan's Holiday Spirit.

A few years ago, Taiwan attempted to move from a 48 hour to a 44 hour workweek. The theory was that you would work a half-day on Saturday. Business owners were outraged, saying that all that overtime pay would bankrupt them. Presumably, they would just go on working their already overworked employees the full 48 hours and then be required to pay the extra 4 hours as overtime pay.
So the government, in an attempt to satisfy them, canceled some of Taiwan's national holidays. Never mind that when holidays fall on weekends here, you just don't get them. Never mind that most businesses do not give employers any additional paid holiday time. Never mind that there were less than a dozen to begin with. Never mind that the tourism industry (which is mostly domestic tourists) was suffering due to Asia's financial woes and a massive earthquake in 1999 that devastated lots of tourist facilites in the mountains; leaving few days for overworked people to travel.
They canceled some holidays anyway. Among them, Consitution Day.
Taiwan's Consitution was promulgated on December 25, 1949.
So, in fact, they canceled Christmas.
This year, I'm taking Christmas off anyway. And since it falls on a Thursday, I'm taking Friday off as well. Fuck 'em.


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