You may not know this, but Chinese food in
Taiwan is not very good. A quick lesson on
institutional food in Taiwan.
1. It's fried in oil beforehand.
2. It sits on a counter waiting to be eaten
and getting cold.
3. They make up for this by serving hot rice
and hot soup. Not a fair trade, I think.
At my school, I go in to the kitchen in the
morning, to get water or something, and I
see lots of good stuff. The cook is chopping
up chicken breasts, grating carrots, slicing
garlic...Then at lunchtime there is this cold
bowl of soggy glop that the kids eat with about
as much enthusiasm as mourners at a post-
funeral party. No wonder they're still eating it
an hour later.
Also, Chunghwa Telecom's ADSL service is
absolute shit. I'd be better off with a modem.
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