Thursday, April 10, 2003

So Iraq is entering a strange new era.
That's all well and good, I suppose. For
the record, I was opposed to the whole thing,
but more on the principle that, sadly, the
American president is a bit of an idiot.
Is that unpatriotic? I suppose so, as a
certified U.S. passport holder. Do you suppose
Bush has a passport? Does he get it stamped
when he visits Britain? Does he get to go through
the special line at the airport? Can he carry weapons
in his diplomatic pouch?

What I've really been wondering is what's under
Baghdad. A network of tunnels sounds exciting
to me. But this from the person who always tried
to peer over the barricades to see the new subway
lines being constructed in Daegu and Pusan, Korea.
Part of me thinks I went back to Pusan last year just
to ride the new subway line. Imagine if Baghdad had
a whole network of tunnels already dug, but no subway.
Or better yet, a secret subway. Just go in the door
marked "employees only" at the intersection, go down
the stairs, past the portrait of Saddam as a ticket-
jockey, and get on the one train.

Or maybe I can just sit here in Taichung and open
another beer on a Thursday.


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