Saturday, September 04, 2004

Yeah, so? Bite me.

Among the things I hate for the moment, Sunday morning at 9 am:

1. Can no longer seem to sleep in on weekend mornings.
2. Dog only bothers me while I sleep, not when I'm awake.
3. Have been up since 6:30. And it's frigging Sunday.

The hell of it is, it's much nicer to be up this early. The city is quiet--even peaceful. The tropical sun hasn't yet started mixing with the haze of particles and fumes that rise out of the city on any given day. Old ladies really are doing tai chi in the park. A lot of them. So in a lot of ways, the negatives could be outweighed if I were in the mood.

I'm trying to adjust to life as an adult. My back hurts sometimes. I want to be in bed at 10:30. But I still feel a stab of nostalgia for the deeply-slumbering mornings I used to manage well into college. Pretty soon, I'll be like my dad, up at 4 am--in bed by 9pm. God help me.


At September 7, 2004 at 10:38 PM, Blogger teahouse said...

Hey, nice to see your comments are back up and running!!


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