Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Today it was windy. That's good and bad for
Taiwan. It's good because then you can see
the mountains, so you don't just feel like you're
living in a grimy Asian city. It breaks my heart
that the mountains are only about 10 miles away
from my house, but I can go weeks without seeing
them. On really clear days, after typhoons, you
can see them all, and it's stunning.

The bad part about the windy days is that they
bring earthquakes. I don't know that for a fact,
but my boyfriend Tim has a theory that they seem
to happen after windy days. He's even been right
a couple of times.

And on the SARS front: good and bad news from
a personal perspective. The SARS scare has
gotten me out of going in to work on Sunday morning
to make my students perform "The Three Little Pigs"
for their parents. The government has encouraged
people not to gather. (Of course, driving is still more
dangerous than SARS, but you don't see them telling
people to stay off the roads...)

But the bad news is that all field trips have been
cancelled until further notice. Which means that
I no longer have a super easy morning once every
2 weeks.


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