Friday, April 25, 2003

I'm sorry if this pisses someone off, but I've
really got to get it out of my system. It's
not funny. It's irritating, and threatening.

George Bush is an idiot. He pisses off everyone
in the world except the hard-core Republicans
who will probably manage to get him re-elected.
He and his gang of thugs have rounded up
children and put them in a gulag-style jail with
no contact to the outside world (much less lawyers);
launched an illegal war for reasons no one else
quite understands yet; managed to convince
people that dissent or even disagreement is
treason; attempted to further bankrupt our country
by giving the rich people their money back;
embarrassed Americans worldwide by speaking
in incomplete sentences and malapropisms (the
king of Jordan is more fluent in English); threatened
most of the world that they're next on his shit list; and
made America seem more like a police state than
anyone could have dreamed 5 years ago.

I hate to say this, but I guess I can for now. All those
who would say, "If you don't like it, leave." I can answer:
"I did."

More nonsense from Taiwan later.

P.S. Don't think that America is holding back China
from Taiwan. The Chinese are just very patient people.
They waited 99 years to get Hong Kong back.


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