Truth is, I've kind of lost interest in maintaining this blog. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. I'm hoping to leave Taiwan in the next few months, I don't read other ones that much any more either. I'm not going to destroy it though. It may prove instrumental in my novel (Hah!).
So in the interest of providing something anyway, I'm posting links to all the stupid pictures on my website--since I'm not tech savvy enough to put the pictures directly in my blog. Then everyone can stop checking in for a while.
* Here is a picture of me wearing a Taiwanese police officer vest and holding a rifle.
* Here is a picture of me dressed as a woman for a Halloween party.
* Here are some strange things in Taiwan.
* Here are some scenic things in Taiwan.
* Here are the rules for using a loaf of bread.
* Here is a supafine heater.
* Here is George W. Bush on a billboard for a pachinko parlor.
* Here is advice for going to Okinawa on a visa run from Taiwan.
* Here are Taiwan's alpine meadows.
* Here is an almost-counterfeit Winnie-the-Pooh doll.
* Here is a picture of my dog as a puppy.
* Here are vacation pictures of Boracay Island, Philippines
Everyone take care. I'll be back eventually.